We have been awarded our Eco Schools award 2023-24...
Eco Team
LGIS Eco team are a lovely, caring and enthusiastic group of children. No one can say we don’t have big aims – for example one member said ‘We want to save the world!’. We are all very keen to do our bit to help the environment. We also want to involve the whole school in our projects wherever possible. We have three big themes to work on through this academic year – Waste, Healthy Living and School Grounds.
Our waste topic of 2022-23 was about RECYCLING and REUSING things. We want to be good, caring members of society and be aware of the mess we can make of the world if we don’t think harder about reusing resources.
Healthy Living topic is all about growing fruit and vegetables as well as things like exercise and mindfulness. We want people to be looking after their health – both their bodies and their minds.
School grounds topic is about how we can improve the bit of the world we live and work in – for children, adults and wildlife.
We stopped 46 sacks of our unwanted clothes going to rot in landfill by recycling them. We organised a collection from Rags2Riches charity who sent the clothes to the Ukraine to help people in need.
January 2023 saw us recycling batteries and we are taking part in Duracell’s Big Battery Hunt. We are urging the whole school to bring us their used batteries so we can recycle them properly; again saving them from being dumped in landfill where they’d take an astounding 100 years to decompose!
We are tackling the school kitchen garden too. It was such fun to get weeding in our last meeting. We made a start clearing the raised beds ready for planting in a few months’ time.
March saw us getting busy planting trees!!! We had our parents with that exciting job.
Thank you to the volunteers who helped us to plant our tree saplings.
Eco School
This year we intend to continue to work on our Eco school award and expand our Eco team. We are currently deciding our three school which will be worked on over the school academic year. One of our targets will be recycling. We have already participated in rags 2 riches, where we managed to raise £134. We have also had a large recycling bin delivered for school members and the local community to recycle clothes and other objects. Each classroom has also had a paper recycling bag issued to encourage recycling within the school.
In the Summer term, we will run an Eco school club which will focus on the outdoor area. We will be planting and harvesting vegetables and learning about how to look after our environment in order to help things grow.